Our church -- Shelby Road Baptist Church
has AWESOME youth programs!!
Each year they offer a ministry trip to each the High School Group AND the Middle School Group.
Our family feels it is extremely important for our children to learn to help others and show God's love to those less fortunate or in need. We feel blessed that our church provides these opportunities for the kids.
MD is in the High School Youth Group and they went to Tennessee --
They were in a very small town near the border of Tennessee, Virginia and Kentucky. They worked doing work projects at Bancroft Bible Camp and every afternoon went to a different small church and ran a one day VBS. They also enjoyed an afternoon of white water rafting in Virginia.
The group at the camp.
The group AFTER white water rafting.
They were gone for 8 days and had an amazing time. They did go to churches in all 3 states! They accomplished much at the camp in terms of work and accomplished much at the churches in terms of showing God's love!
Many of the kids working on staining one of the cabins.
Playing games with some of the kids at one of the VBS's.
MD was one of the presenters on Sunday when they shared what the group accomplished with Gods help on this ministry trip.
MD playing his guitar for the worship time.
MD presented part of what the team accomplished during the trip.
The full group singing one of their songs.
JM is in the Middle School Youth Group. This was his first ministry trip. The MS group always stays in the state of MI. This is a time of TEACHING the kids HOW to do work projects and DO ministry trips SO they are ready when in High School.
The group ready to leave Monday morning!
They headed to Gladwin, MI to THE SPRINGS which is a Christian camp. They did MANY work projects and did a few of the chapels. They were gone 5 days. JM enjoyed most of his time away and the group accomplished MANY work projects. JM especially enjoyed learning out to use a chop saw and singing in chapel. The middle schoolers enjoyed a time of canoeing at the end of the week.
They headed to Gladwin, MI to THE SPRINGS which is a Christian camp. They did MANY work projects and did a few of the chapels. They were gone 5 days. JM enjoyed most of his time away and the group accomplished MANY work projects. JM especially enjoyed learning out to use a chop saw and singing in chapel. The middle schoolers enjoyed a time of canoeing at the end of the week.
The full Middle School group that went on the trip.
JM singing!
Again, this an AWESOME time for our kids to do something for others! They also learn to work hard BUT still have fun. MD said these trips are some of the BEST times in youth group. We know JM is just starting but with his compassionate soul we know these will also become some of his favorite times as well!