The due date passed .....
Growth stopped --
A date and time is scheduled
It's fair week!!!
Lauren and Jason
(go to if you don't know who Lauren is)
went in very late Thursday afternoon to start the softening process AND hopefully, get labor moving.
Unfortunately, for Lauren she had a pretty 'nice' reaction to the capsule --
Well, NOT so nice. She had HARD contractions every 2 minutes and throwing-up almost immediately.
She thought it would get better --- haha -- and said she would call me when it was closer.
Well, I finally got a phone call at 6:30 in the morning and headed down to the hospital.
Her water had broke and she was able to get an epidural shortly after I arrived.
AFTER the epidural -- she was a tad slap happy!
She went through the next part of labor FAST.
The pushing took another hour.
Really -- it was amazing! I don't know how to put it into words.
EXCEPT to say that I was honored when asked to be present and take pictures of such an amazing event as the miracle of birth.
Lauren was amazing! She was so focused and determined -- and actually very little complaints! Her husband was so supportive and helpful AND did NOT pass-out Yes, he was concerned about this.
My job -- moral support and pictures.
So, without further ado --
PICTURES of Ms. Sweetie!!!
Right at birth!
Truly, amazing!!!
The first family picture with the new member!
The new daddy!
Mommy and her sweetie!
Really, Lauren looks so good.
Can you believe she hasn't slept in over 32 hours at this point?
Me holding the baby!!!
I left very late in the afternoon so that I could get home and go to the fair with the rest of the family.
My Darling and I got up early on Saturday, got ready, stopped and picked up some items for Lauren and the baby including some yummy snacks, and went to visit the baby!
My Darling could NOT wait.
She has been so excited about the baby and waiting for the baby to grow in Lauren's tummy!
She cried for joy when she found out, LOVED going to an ultra-sound to see the baby INSIDE and jumped with excitement over meeting Ms. Sweetie!
My Darling holding Ms. Sweetie!
They are both precious!
1 day old! AND yes, we ALL love her!
The family right before leaving the hospital.
Isn't she just beautiful?!?
30 hours old and she is HOME!
The girls at our house -- 1 week old!