Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy Birthday -- My Darling -- Oh my, 8

Can you believe it???
My Darling is 8!!!

I can barely believe it --
She's just growing up so fast!!!

Beautiful --
Happy --
Smart and Talented --
FULL of compassion!
Bossy with some spunk --
Oh, and ATT-I-TUDE!!!!

She is certainly developing into a young lady.  She loves to read, write, draw -- a bit of a perfectionist at times when it comes to academics :), music, violin and playing with her American Girl dolls.  She is a great helper and encourager around the house.  She is the best sister!  She has style -- picky about it -- but it's her!  She notices when someone needs a hug; leaves the sweetest notes around; has so much compassion for others; prays for others AND makes us laugh every day! 

All Birthdays are a big deal in our home.

It is their SPECIAL day :)

My Darling actually had 2 family parties this year :)
The 'WOLLER' family party a few days ago --

We all get together for dinner -- I LOVE that we all help with this.
We did a taco bar, fruit, dips and dessert.

My Darling shares her birthday with her younger cousin C.  He turned 5 -- 9 days before My Darling turned 8. 

I LOVE this picture of the cousins all watching. 

 The attack of the wrapping paper started ---

 Everyone ganged up Uncle J and Aunt S!!!
It is so special that our 4 families have such a good time together.  
ALL the kids get along and just plain have FUN!!!

Dessert -- yummy cupcakes, cake 
of course, the tradition
HOMEMADE ICE CREAM with homemade hot fudge!

My Darling also gets a family party ON her birthday --
my parents, my brother and Lauren's family join us.

Of course, we had to do her hair -- pretty!
Oh, and her nails, too ;)

 TRADITIONS --- 'the birthday hat'

My Darling got to pick the menu --
taco salad, chips, mango salsa, regular salsa, guacamole AND strawberries.
We did add a spinach/artichoke dip with crackers that was YUMMY!
YES, everything GLUTEN FREE!!!
 Her dinner!

 Gift time!

 Yes, she is sooooo excited!  She really wanted a Kindle Fire -- 
she got it :)
Yes, she is a HUGE reader.  She looked RIGHT at her dad when she opened this -- she really couldn't believe that we got it for her.

 She always takes her time and reads all the cards -- aloud!

 Yes, can you see the attitude ;)

 She wanted cupcakes --
LOVE the snowmen!
We again had homemade ice cream BUT with homemade caramel this time.


Thank-you Lord for this little girl!
We are blessed that you picked her for our family!
We pray that she brings GLORY to God in ALL she does.  We pray for good health, heaps of blessings and good choices in the year ahead!

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