Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Elizabeth had surgery today.

She had some screws and a plate in her stub leg.  They were inserted when they did the amputation last year because one of the bones was growing faster.  Today, they took them OUT!

YES, they gave us what was in her leg.  Elizabeth WANTED it!!!  The screws are hollow.  We are making a bracelet out of it.

The unfortunate part was that her 'normal' leg has a bone that is growing too quick.  
They had to put a few screws and plate in her LONG leg.  They actually look EXACTLY like the ones that came out of her 'stub' leg.   

This surgery is pretty routine BUT it is painful afterward.

She did pretty good -- there was LOTS of pain after but thankfully we got it under control.

In recovery room -- lots of pain here.

We did get admitted for a bit --  A SHORT bit!!!

Admitted -- up in her room.  EATING!  

We were discharged later in the evening because she was doing well.

They sent us home with a prescription for some pain meds --


We could not get filled by ANYONE!!!  It was late and there was no one open in a 60 mile radius that had this med.  Yes, it is no longer going to be available and the Dr. put the wrong strength on the script .  Thankfully, when I got home and dug through the cupboard -- I FOUND some left over from BaJabs' surgery in February.  Which is unlike me -- I throw away as soon as we are done, usually!!!

Elizabeth was excited to go home and the trip home started off fine.

When we first got in the car -- SMILES -- 5 minutes later -- LOTS of tears!!!


Unfortunately, she struggles with car sickness and it really HIT!

 AND a meltdown started!

Which made a long ride ;)

Mommy got in the back seat and held her the hour ride home.

She is handling the whole situation well.  The pain control is going ok.  She is a trooper!  THANK-YOU for all of the prayers!
We are thankful for ONE straight leg with the hope of the second one straightening SOON!


Elizabeth has made good progress.  She does NOT like the meds as it makes her sick.  The wounds are BOTH healing well.  AND she is finally putting some weight on BOTH legs.  She is in her new bed NOT with us!!!  We go to the Dr. and Prosthetic office on Friday.

Picture taken 1 week after surgery!  NO, she did not swim!!  Her incisions canNOT be submerged.  BUT she totally makes the best of it and has figured out how to get her head wet and NOT her mid-legs.  

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